Police Relief

Minnesota’s police system has an undeniable problem with racial discrimination, which has only been exacerbated by the murder by George Floyd. Unfortunately, this death was not an isolated incident; it is fairly consistent with the experiences many black Minnesotans have had with police. Black Minnesotans are over five times more likely to be arrested for marijuana use, despite similar usage rates by white Minnesotans, and this type of bias extends to many other non-violent offenses as well. In order for our justice system to be truly just, it must protect people of all races, genders, sexualities and ability levels equally.

I support modifying the current system to ensure safety and justice for all. I believe we must invest more in community resources such as social workers, rehabilitation centers, and more in order to reduce crime and support those communities which are most affected by over policing. I understand that it will take intensive measures to combat what is clearly an institutional problem, and I am dedicated to undertaking this work for the defense of all Minnesotans.




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